A Summer of Sponsored Drupal Contribution

Almost 6 months in, still awesome

Much like my last update things are going well. I am able to spend 2 full days every week on contribution and my commit activity has increased quite a lot. Many thanks to my sponsors: Palantir.net, OPTASY, and new ones who joined in the past few weeks: Vardot, OpenSense Labs, and Liip.ch.

Now some numbers, since the last update I committed 82 issues (worth 820 weighted issue credits), that’s about 33 issues per month (or 330 issue credits). That’s a few more issues per week than before. There is still room to increase the commit activity with more sponsors so don’t hesitate to check out how to sponsor my contribution in core.

  1. Navigation LayoutBuilder UI has dead click zone
  2. Update the Drupal logo in Drupal core with the 2024 brand evolution I like the new brand very much, it’s good to update the default icon
  3. Update documentation for table.html.twig around table cells
  4. Regression: The drawer in Safari is missing the drop shadow
  5. Update the Drupal logo on the project page
  6. Meeting notes: May 20th 2024 - Isomorphic rendering Meetings take time, I can now spend it more easily to keep updated and make sure everyone is aligned
  7. Remove JavaScript from Views configuration form now that it is only CSS Removing JS code because CSS is so good now is always nice
  8. Navigation overlay z-index is not defined
  9. Update stylelint rule unit-allowed-list to include container query units
  10. Navigation: Avoid layout builder form submit
  11. Tab highlights for current/hover/click are too high up when other tabs have 2 lines of text
  12. Mobile version of Navigation menu doesn’t properly reset Drupal.displace() on closing
  13. core.libraries.yml mis-implements moved_files syntax
  14. When configuring a field on a content type’s “manage display” tab the spinner shifts the label and format column
  15. #states not working correctly when built from a logical combination of multliple fields
  16. Responsive image width/height values are not used from fallback image style
  17. Custom Navigation logo is disconnected from new Layout template
  18. CKEditor 5 Styles dropdown broken when in off-canvas sidebar
  19. [drupalMedia] Ability to mark image media as “decorative”
  20. Refactor (if feasible) use of jquery parseHTML function to use vanillaJS removing jQuery one method at a time
  21. drupalInstallModule nightwatch function does not work with Experimental modules
  22. Prefer to use Array.prototype.includes() for some of Array.prototype.indexOf()
  23. Claro: Autocomplete dropdown bleeds through sticky table header
  24. Refactor Claro’s table–file-multiple-widget stylesheet
  25. “Single-Directory Components” needs to be hyphenated because of English grammar and content style rules
  26. Trigger a JavaScript deprecation error for dialogClass in forked dialog.js
  27. Update to jquery UI 1.14.0 beta 2 Bleeding edge of web development :)
  28. Implement Nightwatch tests for Navigation module
  29. Visually-hidden refresh button in Field UI fails WCAG Focus Visible.
  30. Olivero: Incorrect positioning of close button on mobile device when navigation module is enabled.
  31. The core/drupal.message library requires a status_messages render element
  32. The [0] hatch in misc/vertical-tabs.js causes issues if there are multiple forms with vertical tabs. One thing jQuery does well is handle uncertainty much better than vanilla JS, and removing jQuery exposes us to that kind of things
  33. Drupal core committers team meeting - Dev Days Burgas 2024
  34. Reorder checkboxes on “Development settings” page
  35. Secondary tabs design is distorted on block view page
  36. Drupal core committers meeting 2024-06-11
  37. Remove decoupled menus and media initiatives from MAINTAINERS
  38. Update Drupal’s default throbber icons Using svg instead of gifs, overdue
  39. Update loading icon and use SVG
  40. Layout shift on displays in views page
  41. Remove documentation for readmore, logged_in and is_admin from node.html.twig
  42. Remove legacy ‘metadata’ variable from node.html.twig
  43. Prevent simultaneous open/close on simultaneous click/hover Navigation still needs polish, this one helped quite a bit with regular use
  44. Long string breaks the layout of Claro (reapply fix)
  45. Spacing issue in Home > Search page on Advanced search section
  46. Autocomplete input text can visibly overflow under magnifier icon
  47. Refactor Claro’s tabledrag stylesheet
  48. Have a dedicated category for blocks provided by the Navigation module
  49. ToolbarStoredStateTest needs wait after resizing window
  50. The link on the Image tag is redirecting to an undefined page from the node preview screen
  51. clarify db settings for run-tests.sh example command
  52. Parameters doc for views “row” should be at the top level of the array
  53. Consolidate Umami performance tests
  54. Optimize TelephoneFieldTest
  55. hook_local_tasks_alter() and hook_menu_local_tasks_alter() need mutual @see links
  56. Update to ckeditor 42.0.2
  57. Consolidate methods on FormElementsLabelsTest
  58. Merge the build and lint stages in core MR pipelines Tests go faster
  59. Fix Field UI tests that rely on UID1’s super user behavior
  60. Single directory component CSS asset library not picked up in admin theme immediately after module install without cache clear
  61. Replace t() calls inside of Controllers that do not use StringTranslationTrait
  62. Render API overview should include a link to the list of elements
  63. Resync .gitlab-ci.yml and .gitignore following Yarn 4 in 11.x
  64. Merge test methods in FieldUIRouteTest for better performance
  65. Fix File tests that rely on UID1’s super user behavior
  66. Stop using a data provider in UserPasswordResetTest
  67. More efficient route lookup caching
  68. Update deprecation notices in ajax.js
  69. Consolidate ckeditor5’s FunctionalJavascript tests More test speed
  70. Drupal Displace outputs invalid value for --drupal-displace-offset-right when opening top dialog
  71. Subpixel rounding issue causes dialog to resize unnecessarily That one had a funky side effect when resizing the browser window. It’s gone now :)
  72. Document that Uuid::isValid() only considers lowercase UUIDs as valid
  73. Menu system docs section gives wrong alter hook
  74. standardize docs on how to use the 4 types of test base
  75. Update to jQuery UI 1.14.0
  76. Add example and sections to Block API documentation
  77. FileSystemInterface::copy documentation is inaccurate
  78. Use artifacts to share the eslint and styleint caches from core to MRs
  79. New throbber SVG images lack xmlns attribute
  80. Drupal core committers meeting 2024-08-05
  81. Drupal core committers meeting 2024-07-01
  82. Document the recommended ways to obtain the database connection object

There were too many to comment each one individually. Many issues on stabilizing the new navigation module, making core tests faster, and documentation.

If you’re interested in supporting my work on Drupal core and keep the frontend fixes coming, consider sponsoring me.

