Source: misc/details-summarized-content.es6.js

 * @file
 * Adds a summary of a details element's contents to its summary element.
(($, Drupal) => {
   * The DetailsSummarizedContent object represents a single details element.
   * @constructor Drupal.DetailsSummarizedContent
   * @param {HTMLElement} node
   *   A details element, the summary of which may have supplemental text.
   *   The supplemental text summarizes the details element's contents.
  function DetailsSummarizedContent(node) {
    this.$node = $(node);

    /** @lends Drupal.DetailsSummarizedContent */ {
       * Holds references to instantiated DetailsSummarizedContent objects.
       * @type {Array.<Drupal.DetailsSummarizedContent>}
      instances: [],

    /** @lends Drupal.DetailsSummarizedContent# */ {
       * Initialize and setup summary events and markup.
       * @fires event:summaryUpdated
       * @listens event:summaryUpdated
      setupSummary() {
        this.$detailsSummarizedContentWrapper = $(
          .on('summaryUpdated', $.proxy(this.onSummaryUpdated, this))
          .find('> summary')

       * Update summary.
      onSummaryUpdated() {
        const text = $.trim(this.$node.drupalGetSummary());
          Drupal.theme('detailsSummarizedContentText', text),

   * Adds a summary of a details element's contents to its summary element.
   * @type {Drupal~behavior}
   * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach
   *   Attaches behavior for the details element.
  Drupal.behaviors.detailsSummary = {
    attach(context) {
      const $detailsElements = $(context).find('details').once('details');

      DetailsSummarizedContent.instances = DetailsSummarizedContent.instances.concat(
          .map((index, details) => new DetailsSummarizedContent(details))

  Drupal.DetailsSummarizedContent = DetailsSummarizedContent;

   * The element containing a wrapper for summarized details content.
   * @return {string}
   *   The markup for the element that will contain the summarized content.
  Drupal.theme.detailsSummarizedContentWrapper = () =>
    `<span class="summary"></span>`;

   * Formats the summarized details content text.
   * @param {string|null} [text]
   *   (optional) The summarized content text displayed in the summary.
   * @return {string}
   *   The formatted summarized content text.
  Drupal.theme.detailsSummarizedContentText = (text) =>
    text ? ` (${text})` : '';
})(jQuery, Drupal);