Source: modules/ckeditor/js/ckeditor.admin.es6.js

 * @file
 * CKEditor button and group configuration user interface.

(function ($, Drupal, drupalSettings, _) {
  Drupal.ckeditor = Drupal.ckeditor || {};

   * Sets config behavior and creates config views for the CKEditor toolbar.
   * @type {Drupal~behavior}
   * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach
   *   Attaches admin behavior to the CKEditor buttons.
   * @prop {Drupal~behaviorDetach} detach
   *   Detaches admin behavior from the CKEditor buttons on 'unload'.
  Drupal.behaviors.ckeditorAdmin = {
    attach(context) {
      // Process the CKEditor configuration fragment once.
      const $configurationForm = $(context)
      if ($configurationForm.length) {
        const $textarea = $configurationForm
          // Hide the textarea that contains the serialized representation of the
          // CKEditor configuration.
          // Return the textarea child node from this expression.

        // The HTML for the CKEditor configuration is assembled on the server
        // and sent to the client as a serialized DOM fragment.

        // Create a configuration model.
        Drupal.ckeditor.models.Model = new Drupal.ckeditor.Model({
          activeEditorConfig: JSON.parse($textarea.val()),
          hiddenEditorConfig: drupalSettings.ckeditor.hiddenCKEditorConfig,

        // Create the configuration Views.
        const viewDefaults = {
          model: Drupal.ckeditor.models.Model,
          el: $('.ckeditor-toolbar-configuration'),
        Drupal.ckeditor.views = {
          controller: new Drupal.ckeditor.ControllerView(viewDefaults),
          visualView: new Drupal.ckeditor.VisualView(viewDefaults),
          keyboardView: new Drupal.ckeditor.KeyboardView(viewDefaults),
          auralView: new Drupal.ckeditor.AuralView(viewDefaults),
    detach(context, settings, trigger) {
      // Early-return if the trigger for detachment is something else than
      // unload.
      if (trigger !== 'unload') {

      // We're detaching because CKEditor as text editor has been disabled; this
      // really means that all CKEditor toolbar buttons have been removed.
      // Hence,all editor features will be removed, so any reactions from
      // filters will be undone.
      const $configurationForm = $(context)
      if (
        $configurationForm.length &&
        Drupal.ckeditor.models &&
      ) {
        const config = Drupal.ckeditor.models.Model.toJSON().activeEditorConfig;
        const buttons = Drupal.ckeditor.views.controller.getButtonList(config);
        const $activeToolbar = $('.ckeditor-toolbar-configuration').find(
        for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
          $activeToolbar.trigger('CKEditorToolbarChanged', [

   * CKEditor configuration UI methods of Backbone objects.
   * @namespace
  Drupal.ckeditor = {
     * A hash of View instances.
     * @type {object}
    views: {},

     * A hash of Model instances.
     * @type {object}
    models: {},

     * Translates changes in CKEditor config DOM structure to the config model.
     * If the button is moved within an existing group, the DOM structure is
     * simply translated to a configuration model. If the button is moved into a
     * new group placeholder, then a process is launched to name that group
     * before the button move is translated into configuration.
     * @param {Backbone.View} view
     *   The Backbone View that invoked this function.
     * @param {jQuery} $button
     *   A jQuery set that contains an li element that wraps a button element.
     * @param {function} callback
     *   A callback to invoke after the button group naming modal dialog has
     *   been closed.
    registerButtonMove(view, $button, callback) {
      const $group = $button.closest('.ckeditor-toolbar-group');

      // If dropped in a placeholder button group, the user must name it.
      if ($group.hasClass('placeholder')) {
        if (view.isProcessing) {
        view.isProcessing = true;

        Drupal.ckeditor.openGroupNameDialog(view, $group, callback);
      } else {
        view.model.set('isDirty', true);

     * Translates changes in CKEditor config DOM structure to the config model.
     * Each row has a placeholder group at the end of the row. A user may not
     * move an existing button group past the placeholder group at the end of a
     * row.
     * @param {Backbone.View} view
     *   The Backbone View that invoked this function.
     * @param {jQuery} $group
     *   A jQuery set that contains an li element that wraps a group of buttons.
    registerGroupMove(view, $group) {
      // Remove placeholder classes if necessary.
      let $row = $group.closest('.ckeditor-row');
      if ($row.hasClass('placeholder')) {
      // If there are any rows with just a placeholder group, mark the row as a
      // placeholder.
        .each(function () {
          $row = $(this);
          if (
            $row.find('.ckeditor-toolbar-group').not('.placeholder').length ===
          ) {
      view.model.set('isDirty', true);

     * Opens a dialog with a form for changing the title of a button group.
     * @param {Backbone.View} view
     *   The Backbone View that invoked this function.
     * @param {jQuery} $group
     *   A jQuery set that contains an li element that wraps a group of buttons.
     * @param {function} callback
     *   A callback to invoke after the button group naming modal dialog has
     *   been closed.
    openGroupNameDialog(view, $group, callback) {
      callback = callback || function () {};

       * Validates the string provided as a button group title.
       * @param {HTMLElement} form
       *   The form DOM element that contains the input with the new button
       *   group title string.
       * @return {bool}
       *   Returns true when an error exists, otherwise returns false.
      function validateForm(form) {
        if (form.elements[0].value.length === 0) {
          const $form = $(form);
          if (!$form.hasClass('errors')) {
              .attr('aria-invalid', 'true');
              `<div class="description" >${Drupal.t(
                'Please provide a name for the button group.',
          return true;
        return false;

       * Attempts to close the dialog; Validates user input.
       * @param {string} action
       *   The dialog action chosen by the user: 'apply' or 'cancel'.
       * @param {HTMLElement} form
       *   The form DOM element that contains the input with the new button
       *   group title string.
      function closeDialog(action, form) {
         * Closes the dialog when the user cancels or supplies valid data.
        function shutdown() {
          // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define

          // The processing marker can be deleted since the dialog has been
          // closed.
          delete view.isProcessing;

         * Applies a string as the name of a CKEditor button group.
         * @param {jQuery} $group
         *   A jQuery set that contains an li element that wraps a group of
         *   buttons.
         * @param {string} name
         *   The new name of the CKEditor button group.
        function namePlaceholderGroup($group, name) {
          // If it's currently still a placeholder, then that means we're
          // creating a new group, and we must do some extra work.
          if ($group.hasClass('placeholder')) {
            // Remove all whitespace from the name, lowercase it and ensure
            // HTML-safe encoding, then use this as the group ID for CKEditor
            // configuration UI accessibility purposes only.
            const groupID = `ckeditor-toolbar-group-aria-label-for-${Drupal.checkPlain(
              name.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '-'),
              // Update the group container.
              .attr('data-drupal-ckeditor-type', 'group')
              .attr('tabindex', 0)
              // Update the group heading.
              .attr('id', groupID)
              // Update the group items.
              .attr('aria-labelledby', groupID);

            .attr('data-drupal-ckeditor-toolbar-group-name', name)

        // Invoke a user-provided callback and indicate failure.
        if (action === 'cancel') {
          callback(false, $group);

        // Validate that a group name was provided.
        if (form && validateForm(form)) {

        // React to application of a valid group name.
        if (action === 'apply') {
          // Apply the provided name to the button group label.
          // Remove placeholder classes so that new placeholders will be
          // inserted.

          // Invoke a user-provided callback and indicate success.
          callback(true, $group);

          // Signal that the active toolbar DOM structure has changed.
          view.model.set('isDirty', true);

      // Create a Drupal dialog that will get a button group name from the user.
      const $ckeditorButtonGroupNameForm = $(
      const dialog = Drupal.dialog($ckeditorButtonGroupNameForm.get(0), {
        title: Drupal.t('Button group name'),
        dialogClass: 'ckeditor-name-toolbar-group',
        resizable: false,
        buttons: [
            text: Drupal.t('Apply'),
            click() {
              closeDialog('apply', this);
            primary: true,
            text: Drupal.t('Cancel'),
            click() {
        open() {
          const form = this;
          const $form = $(this);
          const $widget = $form.parent();
          // Set a click handler on the input and button in the form.
          $widget.on('keypress.ckeditor', 'input, button', (event) => {
            // React to enter key press.
            if (event.keyCode === 13) {
              const $target = $(event.currentTarget);
              const data = $'ui-button');
              let action = 'apply';
              // Assume 'apply', but take into account that the user might have
              // pressed the enter key on the dialog buttons.
              if (data && data.options && data.options.label) {
                action = data.options.label.toLowerCase();
              closeDialog(action, form);
          // Announce to the user that a modal dialog is open.
          let text = Drupal.t(
            'Editing the name of the new button group in a dialog.',
          if (
            typeof $group.attr('data-drupal-ckeditor-toolbar-group-name') !==
          ) {
            text = Drupal.t(
              'Editing the name of the "@groupName" button group in a dialog.',
                '@groupName': $group.attr(
        close(event) {
          // Automatically destroy the DOM element that was used for the dialog.

      // A modal dialog is used because the user must provide a button group
      // name or cancel the button placement before taking any other action.

        // When editing, set the "group name" input in the form to the current
        // value.
        .attr('value', $group.attr('data-drupal-ckeditor-toolbar-group-name'))
        // Focus on the "group name" input in the form.

   * Automatically shows/hides settings of buttons-only CKEditor plugins.
   * @type {Drupal~behavior}
   * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach
   *   Attaches show/hide behavior to Plugin Settings buttons.
  Drupal.behaviors.ckeditorAdminButtonPluginSettings = {
    attach(context) {
      const $context = $(context);
      const $ckeditorPluginSettings = $context
      if ($ckeditorPluginSettings.length) {
        // Hide all button-dependent plugin settings initially.
          .each(function () {
            const $this = $(this);
            if ($'verticalTab')) {
            } else {
              // On very narrow viewports, Vertical Tabs are disabled.
            $'ckeditorButtonPluginSettingsActiveButtons', []);

        // Whenever a button is added or removed, check if we should show or
        // hide the corresponding plugin settings. (Note that upon
        // initialization, each button that already is part of the toolbar still
        // is considered "added", hence it also works correctly for buttons that
        // were added previously.)
            (event, action, button) => {
              const $pluginSettings = $ckeditorPluginSettings.find(

              // No settings for this button.
              if ($pluginSettings.length === 0) {

              const verticalTab = $'verticalTab');
              const activeButtons = $
              if (action === 'added') {
                // Show this plugin's settings if >=1 of its buttons are active.
                if (verticalTab) {
                } else {
                  // On very narrow viewports, Vertical Tabs remain fieldsets.
              } else {
                // Remove this button from the list of active buttons.
                activeButtons.splice(activeButtons.indexOf(button), 1);
                // Show this plugin's settings 0 of its buttons are active.
                if (activeButtons.length === 0) {
                  if (verticalTab) {
                  } else {
                    // On very narrow viewports, Vertical Tabs are disabled.

   * Themes a blank CKEditor row.
   * @return {string}
   *   A HTML string for a CKEditor row.
  Drupal.theme.ckeditorRow = function () {
    return '<li class="ckeditor-row placeholder" role="group"><ul class="ckeditor-toolbar-groups clearfix"></ul></li>';

   * Themes a blank CKEditor button group.
   * @return {string}
   *   A HTML string for a CKEditor button group.
  Drupal.theme.ckeditorToolbarGroup = function () {
    let group = '';
    group += `<li class="ckeditor-toolbar-group placeholder" role="presentation" aria-label="${Drupal.t(
      'Place a button to create a new button group.',
    group += `<h3 class="ckeditor-toolbar-group-name">${Drupal.t(
      'New group',
    group +=
      '<ul class="ckeditor-buttons ckeditor-toolbar-group-buttons" role="toolbar" data-drupal-ckeditor-button-sorting="target"></ul>';
    group += '</li>';
    return group;

   * Themes a form for changing the title of a CKEditor button group.
   * @return {string}
   *   A HTML string for the form for the title of a CKEditor button group.
  Drupal.theme.ckeditorButtonGroupNameForm = function () {
    return '<form><input name="group-name" required="required"></form>';

   * Themes a button that will toggle the button group names in active config.
   * @return {string}
   *   A HTML string for the button to toggle group names.
  Drupal.theme.ckeditorButtonGroupNamesToggle = function () {
    return '<button class="link ckeditor-groupnames-toggle" aria-pressed="false"></button>';

   * Themes a button that will prompt the user to name a new button group.
   * @return {string}
   *   A HTML string for the button to create a name for a new button group.
  Drupal.theme.ckeditorNewButtonGroup = function () {
    return `<li class="ckeditor-add-new-group"><button aria-label="${Drupal.t(
      'Add a CKEditor button group to the end of this row.',
    )}">${Drupal.t('Add group')}</button></li>`;
})(jQuery, Drupal, drupalSettings, _);