Source: modules/layout_builder/js/layout-builder.es6.js

 * @file
 * Attaches the behaviors for the Layout Builder module.

(($, Drupal, Sortable) => {
  const { ajax, behaviors, debounce, announce, formatPlural } = Drupal;

   * Boolean that tracks if block listing is currently being filtered. Declared
   * outside of behaviors so value is retained on rebuild.
  let layoutBuilderBlocksFiltered = false;

   * Provides the ability to filter the block listing in "Add block" dialog.
   * @type {Drupal~behavior}
   * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach
   *   Attach block filtering behavior to "Add block" dialog.
  behaviors.layoutBuilderBlockFilter = {
    attach(context) {
      const $categories = $('.js-layout-builder-categories', context);
      const $filterLinks = $categories.find('.js-layout-builder-block-link');

       * Filters the block list.
       * @param {jQuery.Event} e
       *   The jQuery event for the keyup event that triggered the filter.
      const filterBlockList = (e) => {
        const query = $(;

         * Shows or hides the block entry based on the query.
         * @param {number} index
         *   The index in the loop, as provided by `jQuery.each`
         * @param {HTMLElement} link
         *   The link to add the block.
        const toggleBlockEntry = (index, link) => {
          const $link = $(link);
          const textMatch = $link.text().toLowerCase().indexOf(query) !== -1;

        // Filter if the length of the query is at least 2 characters.
        if (query.length >= 2) {
          // Attribute to note which categories are closed before opening all.
            .attr('remember-closed', '');

          // Open all categories so every block is available to filtering.
          $categories.find('.js-layout-builder-category').attr('open', '');
          // Toggle visibility of links based on query.

          // Only display categories containing visible links.

              '1 block is available in the modified list.',
              '@count blocks are available in the modified list.',
          layoutBuilderBlocksFiltered = true;
        } else if (layoutBuilderBlocksFiltered) {
          layoutBuilderBlocksFiltered = false;
          // Remove "open" attr from categories that were closed pre-filtering.
          announce(Drupal.t('All available blocks are listed.'));

      $('input.js-layout-builder-filter', context)
        .on('keyup', debounce(filterBlockList, 200));

   * Callback used in {@link Drupal.behaviors.layoutBuilderBlockDrag}.
   * @param {HTMLElement} item
   *   The HTML element representing the repositioned block.
   * @param {HTMLElement} from
   *   The HTML element representing the previous parent of item
   * @param {HTMLElement} to
   *   The HTML element representing the current parent of item
   * @internal This method is a callback for layoutBuilderBlockDrag and is used
   *  in FunctionalJavascript tests. It may be renamed if the test changes.
   *  @see
  Drupal.layoutBuilderBlockUpdate = function (item, from, to) {
    const $item = $(item);
    const $from = $(from);

    // Check if the region from the event and region for the item match.
    const itemRegion = $item.closest('.js-layout-builder-region');
    if (to === itemRegion[0]) {
      // Find the destination delta.
      const deltaTo = $item.closest('[data-layout-delta]').data('layout-delta');
      // If the block didn't leave the original delta use the destination.
      const deltaFrom = $from
        ? $from.closest('[data-layout-delta]').data('layout-delta')
        : deltaTo;
        url: [
          .filter((element) => element !== undefined)

   * Provides the ability to drag blocks to new positions in the layout.
   * @type {Drupal~behavior}
   * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach
   *   Attach block drag behavior to the Layout Builder UI.
  behaviors.layoutBuilderBlockDrag = {
    attach(context) {
      const regionSelector = '.js-layout-builder-region';
        (region) => {
          Sortable.create(region, {
            draggable: '.js-layout-builder-block',
            ghostClass: 'ui-state-drop',
            group: 'builder-region',
            onEnd: (event) =>
              Drupal.layoutBuilderBlockUpdate(event.item, event.from,,

   * Disables interactive elements in previewed blocks.
   * @type {Drupal~behavior}
   * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach
   *   Attach disabling interactive elements behavior to the Layout Builder UI.
  behaviors.layoutBuilderDisableInteractiveElements = {
    attach() {
      // Disable interactive elements inside preview blocks.
      const $blocks = $('#layout-builder [data-layout-block-uuid]');
      $blocks.find('input, textarea, select').prop('disabled', true);
        // Don't disable contextual links.
        // @see \Drupal\contextual\Element\ContextualLinksPlaceholder
          (index, element) =>
            $(element).closest('[data-contextual-id]').length > 0,
        .on('click mouseup touchstart', (e) => {

       * In preview blocks, remove from the tabbing order all input elements
       * and elements specifically assigned a tab index, other than those
       * related to contextual links.
          'button, [href], input, select, textarea, iframe, [tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"]):not(.tabbable)',
          (index, element) =>
            $(element).closest('[data-contextual-id]').length > 0,
        .attr('tabindex', -1);

  // After a dialog opens, highlight element that the dialog is acting on.
  $(window).on('dialog:aftercreate', (event, dialog, $element) => {
    if (Drupal.offCanvas.isOffCanvas($element)) {
      // Start by removing any existing highlighted elements.

       * Every dialog has a single 'data-layout-builder-target-highlight-id'
       * attribute. Every dialog-opening element has a unique
       * 'data-layout-builder-highlight-id' attribute.
       * When the value of data-layout-builder-target-highlight-id matches
       * an element's value of data-layout-builder-highlight-id, the class
       * 'is-layout-builder-highlighted' is added to element.
      const id = $element
      if (id) {

      // Remove wrapper class added by move block form.

       * If dialog has a data-add-layout-builder-wrapper attribute, get the
       * value and add it as a class to the Layout Builder UI wrapper.
       * Currently, only the move block form uses
       * data-add-layout-builder-wrapper, but any dialog can use this attribute
       * to add a class to the Layout Builder UI while opened.
      const layoutBuilderWrapperValue = $element
      if (layoutBuilderWrapperValue) {

   * When a Layout Builder dialog is triggered, the main canvas resizes. After
   * the resize transition is complete, see if the target element is still
   * visible in viewport. If not, scroll page so the target element is again
   * visible.
   * @todo Replace this custom solution when a general solution is made
   *   available with
  if (document.querySelector('[data-off-canvas-main-canvas]')) {
    const mainCanvas = document.querySelector('[data-off-canvas-main-canvas]');

    // This event fires when canvas CSS transitions are complete.
    mainCanvas.addEventListener('transitionend', () => {
      const $target = $('.is-layout-builder-highlighted');

      if ($target.length > 0) {
        // These four variables are used to determine if the element is in the
        // viewport.
        const targetTop = $target.offset().top;
        const targetBottom = targetTop + $target.outerHeight();
        const viewportTop = $(window).scrollTop();
        const viewportBottom = viewportTop + $(window).height();

        // If the element is not in the viewport, scroll it into view.
        if (targetBottom < viewportTop || targetTop > viewportBottom) {
          const viewportMiddle = (viewportBottom + viewportTop) / 2;
          const scrollAmount = targetTop - viewportMiddle;

          // Check whether the browser supports scrollBy(options). If it does
          // not, use scrollBy(x-coord, y-coord) instead.
          if ('scrollBehavior' in {
              top: scrollAmount,
              left: 0,
              behavior: 'smooth',
          } else {
            window.scrollBy(0, scrollAmount);

  $(window).on('dialog:afterclose', (event, dialog, $element) => {
    if (Drupal.offCanvas.isOffCanvas($element)) {
      // Remove the highlight from all elements.

      // Remove wrapper class added by move block form.

   * Toggles content preview in the Layout Builder UI.
   * @type {Drupal~behavior}
   * @prop {Drupal~behaviorAttach} attach
   *   Attach content preview toggle to the Layout Builder UI.
  behaviors.layoutBuilderToggleContentPreview = {
    attach(context) {
      const $layoutBuilder = $('#layout-builder');

      // The content preview toggle.
      const $layoutBuilderContentPreview = $('#layout-builder-content-preview');

      // data-content-preview-id specifies the layout being edited.
      const contentPreviewId = $

       * Tracks if content preview is enabled for this layout. Defaults to true
       * if no value has previously been set.
      const isContentPreview =
        JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(contentPreviewId)) !== false;

       * Disables content preview in the Layout Builder UI.
       * Disabling content preview hides block content. It is replaced with the
       * value of the block's data-layout-content-preview-placeholder-label
       * attribute.
       * @todo Revisit in, it may be
       *   possible to remove all but the first line of this function.
      const disableContentPreview = () => {

         * Iterate over all Layout Builder blocks to hide their content and add
         * placeholder labels.
        $('[data-layout-content-preview-placeholder-label]', context).each(
          (i, element) => {
            const $element = $(element);

            // Hide everything in block that isn't contextual link related.

            const contentPreviewPlaceholderText = $element.attr(

            const contentPreviewPlaceholderLabel = Drupal.theme(

       * Enables content preview in the Layout Builder UI.
       * When content preview is enabled, the Layout Builder UI returns to its
       * default experience. This is accomplished by removing placeholder
       * labels and un-hiding block content.
       * @todo Revisit in, it may be
       *   possible to remove all but the first line of this function.
      const enableContentPreview = () => {

        // Remove all placeholder labels.

        // Iterate over all blocks.
          (i, element) => {

      $('#layout-builder-content-preview', context).on('change', (event) => {
        const isChecked = $(event.currentTarget).is(':checked');

        localStorage.setItem(contentPreviewId, JSON.stringify(isChecked));

        if (isChecked) {
            Drupal.t('Block previews are visible. Block labels are hidden.'),
        } else {
            Drupal.t('Block previews are hidden. Block labels are visible.'),

       * On rebuild, see if content preview has been set to disabled. If yes,
       * disable content preview in the Layout Builder UI.
      if (!isContentPreview) {
        $layoutBuilderContentPreview.attr('checked', false);

   * Creates content preview placeholder label markup.
   * @param {string} contentPreviewPlaceholderText
   *   The text content of the placeholder label
   * @return {string}
   *   A HTML string of the placeholder label.
  Drupal.theme.layoutBuilderPrependContentPreviewPlaceholderLabel = (
  ) => {
    const contentPreviewPlaceholderLabel = document.createElement('div');
    contentPreviewPlaceholderLabel.className =
      'layout-builder-block__content-preview-placeholder-label js-layout-builder-content-preview-placeholder-label';
    contentPreviewPlaceholderLabel.innerHTML = contentPreviewPlaceholderText;

    return `<div class="layout-builder-block__content-preview-placeholder-label js-layout-builder-content-preview-placeholder-label">${contentPreviewPlaceholderText}</div>`;
})(jQuery, Drupal, Sortable);