Source: modules/quickedit/js/views/FieldToolbarView.es6.js

 * @file
 * A Backbone View that provides an interactive toolbar (1 per in-place editor).

(function ($, _, Backbone, Drupal) {
  Drupal.quickedit.FieldToolbarView = Backbone.View.extend(
    /** @lends Drupal.quickedit.FieldToolbarView# */ {
       * The edited element, as indicated by EditorView.getEditedElement.
       * @type {jQuery}
      $editedElement: null,

       * A reference to the in-place editor.
       * @type {Drupal.quickedit.EditorView}
      editorView: null,

       * @type {string}
      _id: null,

       * @constructs
       * @augments Backbone.View
       * @param {object} options
       *   Options object to construct the field toolbar.
       * @param {jQuery} options.$editedElement
       *   The element being edited.
       * @param {Drupal.quickedit.EditorView} options.editorView
       *   The EditorView the toolbar belongs to.
      initialize(options) {
        this.$editedElement = options.$editedElement;
        this.editorView = options.editorView;

         * @type {jQuery}
        this.$root = this.$el;

        // Generate a DOM-compatible ID for the form container DOM element.
        this._id = `quickedit-toolbar-for-${

        this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:state', this.stateChange);

       * {@inheritdoc}
       * @return {Drupal.quickedit.FieldToolbarView}
       *   The current FieldToolbarView.
      render() {
        // Render toolbar and set it as the view's element.
            Drupal.theme('quickeditFieldToolbar', {
              id: this._id,

        // Attach to the field toolbar $root element in the entity toolbar.

        return this;

       * Determines the actions to take given a change of state.
       * @param {Drupal.quickedit.FieldModel} model
       *   The quickedit FieldModel
       * @param {string} state
       *   The state of the associated field. One of
       *   {@link Drupal.quickedit.FieldModel.states}.
      stateChange(model, state) {
        const from = model.previous('state');
        const to = state;
        switch (to) {
          case 'inactive':

          case 'candidate':
            // Remove the view's existing element if we went to the 'activating'
            // state or later, because it will be recreated. Not doing this would
            // result in memory leaks.
            if (from !== 'inactive' && from !== 'highlighted') {

          case 'highlighted':

          case 'activating':

            if (this.editorView.getQuickEditUISettings().fullWidthToolbar) {

            if (this.editorView.getQuickEditUISettings().unifiedToolbar) {

          case 'active':

          case 'changed':

          case 'saving':

          case 'saved':

          case 'invalid':

       * Insert WYSIWYG markup into the associated toolbar.
      insertWYSIWYGToolGroups() {
            Drupal.theme('quickeditToolgroup', {
              id: this.getFloatedWysiwygToolgroupId(),
              classes: [
              buttons: [],
            Drupal.theme('quickeditToolgroup', {
              id: this.getMainWysiwygToolgroupId(),
              classes: [
              buttons: [],

        // Animate the toolgroups into visibility.'wysiwyg-floated');'wysiwyg-main');

       * Retrieves the ID for this toolbar's container.
       * Only used to make sane hovering behavior possible.
       * @return {string}
       *   A string that can be used as the ID for this toolbar's container.
      getId() {
        return `quickedit-toolbar-for-${this._id}`;

       * Retrieves the ID for this toolbar's floating WYSIWYG toolgroup.
       * Used to provide an abstraction for any WYSIWYG editor to plug in.
       * @return {string}
       *   A string that can be used as the ID.
      getFloatedWysiwygToolgroupId() {
        return `quickedit-wysiwyg-floated-toolgroup-for-${this._id}`;

       * Retrieves the ID for this toolbar's main WYSIWYG toolgroup.
       * Used to provide an abstraction for any WYSIWYG editor to plug in.
       * @return {string}
       *   A string that can be used as the ID.
      getMainWysiwygToolgroupId() {
        return `quickedit-wysiwyg-main-toolgroup-for-${this._id}`;

       * Finds a toolgroup.
       * @param {string} toolgroup
       *   A toolgroup name.
       * @return {jQuery}
       *   The toolgroup element.
      _find(toolgroup) {
        return this.$el.find(`.quickedit-toolgroup.${toolgroup}`);

       * Shows a toolgroup.
       * @param {string} toolgroup
       *   A toolgroup name.
      show(toolgroup) {
        const $group = this._find(toolgroup);
        // Attach a transitionEnd event handler to the toolbar group so that
        // update events can be triggered after the animations have ended.
        $group.on(Drupal.quickedit.util.constants.transitionEnd, (event) => {
        // The call to remove the class and start the animation must be started in
        // the next animation frame or the event handler attached above won't be
        // triggered.
        window.setTimeout(() => {
        }, 0);
})(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal);