Source: modules/toolbar/js/views/ToolbarVisualView.es6.js

 * @file
 * A Backbone view for the toolbar element. Listens to mouse & touch.

(function ($, Drupal, drupalSettings, Backbone) {
  Drupal.toolbar.ToolbarVisualView = Backbone.View.extend(
    /** @lends Drupal.toolbar.ToolbarVisualView# */ {
       * Event map for the `ToolbarVisualView`.
       * @return {object}
       *   A map of events.
      events() {
        // Prevents delay and simulated mouse events.
        const touchEndToClick = function (event) {

        return {
          'click .toolbar-bar .toolbar-tab .trigger': 'onTabClick',
          'click .toolbar-toggle-orientation button':
          'touchend .toolbar-bar .toolbar-tab .trigger': touchEndToClick,
          'touchend .toolbar-toggle-orientation button': touchEndToClick,

       * Backbone view for the toolbar element. Listens to mouse & touch.
       * @constructs
       * @augments Backbone.View
       * @param {object} options
       *   Options for the view object.
       * @param {object} options.strings
       *   Various strings to use in the view.
      initialize(options) {
        this.strings = options.strings;

          'change:activeTab change:orientation change:isOriented change:isTrayToggleVisible',
        this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:mqMatches', this.onMediaQueryChange);
        this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:offsets', this.adjustPlacement);
          'change:activeTab change:orientation change:isOriented',

        // Add the tray orientation toggles.
          .find('.toolbar-tray .toolbar-lining')

        // Trigger an activeTab change so that listening scripts can respond on
        // page load. This will call render.

       * Update the toolbar element height.
       * @constructs
       * @augments Backbone.View
      updateToolbarHeight() {
        const toolbarTabOuterHeight =
          $('#toolbar-bar').find('.toolbar-tab').outerHeight() || 0;
        const toolbarTrayHorizontalOuterHeight =
          $('.is-active.toolbar-tray-horizontal').outerHeight() || 0;
          toolbarTabOuterHeight + toolbarTrayHorizontalOuterHeight,

          'padding-top': this.model.get('height'),


      // Trigger a recalculation of viewport displacing elements. Use setTimeout
      // to ensure this recalculation happens after changes to visual elements
      // have processed.
      triggerDisplace() {
        _.defer(() => {

       * {@inheritdoc}
       * @return {Drupal.toolbar.ToolbarVisualView}
       *   The `ToolbarVisualView` instance.
      render() {


        // Load the subtrees if the orientation of the toolbar is changed to
        // vertical. This condition responds to the case that the toolbar switches
        // from horizontal to vertical orientation. The toolbar starts in a
        // vertical orientation by default and then switches to horizontal during
        // initialization if the media query conditions are met. Simply checking
        // that the orientation is vertical here would result in the subtrees
        // always being loaded, even when the toolbar initialization ultimately
        // results in a horizontal orientation.
        // @see Drupal.behaviors.toolbar.attach() where admin menu subtrees
        // loading is invoked during initialization after media query conditions
        // have been processed.
        if (
          this.model.changed.orientation === 'vertical' ||
        ) {

        return this;

       * Responds to a toolbar tab click.
       * @param {jQuery.Event} event
       *   The event triggered.
      onTabClick(event) {
        // If this tab has a tray associated with it, it is considered an
        // activatable tab.
        if (event.currentTarget.hasAttribute('data-toolbar-tray')) {
          const activeTab = this.model.get('activeTab');
          const clickedTab = event.currentTarget;

          // Set the event target as the active item if it is not already.
            !activeTab || clickedTab !== activeTab ? clickedTab : null,


       * Toggles the orientation of a toolbar tray.
       * @param {jQuery.Event} event
       *   The event triggered.
      onOrientationToggleClick(event) {
        const orientation = this.model.get('orientation');
        // Determine the toggle-to orientation.
        const antiOrientation =
          orientation === 'vertical' ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical';
        const locked = antiOrientation === 'vertical';
        // Remember the locked state.
        if (locked) {
          localStorage.setItem('Drupal.toolbar.trayVerticalLocked', 'true');
        } else {
        // Update the model.
            orientation: antiOrientation,
            validate: true,
            override: true,


       * Updates the display of the tabs: toggles a tab and the associated tray.
      updateTabs() {
        const $tab = $(this.model.get('activeTab'));
        // Deactivate the previous tab.
          .prop('aria-pressed', false);
        // Deactivate the previous tray.

        // Activate the selected tab.
        if ($tab.length > 0) {
            // Mark the tab as pressed.
            .prop('aria-pressed', true);
          const name = $tab.attr('data-toolbar-tray');
          // Store the active tab name or remove the setting.
          const id = $tab.get(0).id;
          if (id) {
          // Activate the associated tray.
          const $tray = this.$el.find(
          if ($tray.length) {
            this.model.set('activeTray', $tray.get(0));
          } else {
            // There is no active tray.
            this.model.set('activeTray', null);
        } else {
          // There is no active tray.
          this.model.set('activeTray', null);

       * Update the attributes of the toolbar bar element.
      updateBarAttributes() {
        const isOriented = this.model.get('isOriented');
        if (isOriented) {
          this.$el.find('.toolbar-bar').attr('data-offset-top', '');
        } else {
        // Toggle between a basic vertical view and a more sophisticated
        // horizontal and vertical display of the toolbar bar and trays.
        this.$el.toggleClass('toolbar-oriented', isOriented);

       * Updates the orientation of the active tray if necessary.
      updateTrayOrientation() {
        const orientation = this.model.get('orientation');

        // The antiOrientation is used to render the view of action buttons like
        // the tray orientation toggle.
        const antiOrientation =
          orientation === 'vertical' ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical';

        // Toggle toolbar's parent classes before other toolbar classes to avoid
        // potential flicker and re-rendering.
          .toggleClass('toolbar-vertical', orientation === 'vertical')
          .toggleClass('toolbar-horizontal', orientation === 'horizontal');

        const removeClass =
          antiOrientation === 'horizontal'
            ? 'toolbar-tray-horizontal'
            : 'toolbar-tray-vertical';
        const $trays = this.$el

        // Update the tray orientation toggle button.
        const iconClass = `toolbar-icon-toggle-${orientation}`;
        const iconAntiClass = `toolbar-icon-toggle-${antiOrientation}`;
        const $orientationToggle = this.$el
          .attr('title', this.strings[antiOrientation])

        // Update data offset attributes for the trays.
        const dir = document.documentElement.dir;
        const edge = dir === 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left';
        // Remove data-offset attributes from the trays so they can be refreshed.
        $trays.removeAttr('data-offset-left data-offset-right data-offset-top');
        // If an active vertical tray exists, mark it as an offset element.
          .attr(`data-offset-${edge}`, '');
        // If an active horizontal tray exists, mark it as an offset element.
          .attr('data-offset-top', '');

       * Sets the tops of the trays so that they align with the bottom of the bar.
      adjustPlacement() {
        const $trays = this.$el.find('.toolbar-tray');
        if (!this.model.get('isOriented')) {

       * Calls the endpoint URI that builds an AJAX command with the rendered
       * subtrees.
       * The rendered admin menu subtrees HTML is cached on the client in
       * localStorage until the cache of the admin menu subtrees on the server-
       * side is invalidated. The subtreesHash is stored in localStorage as well
       * and compared to the subtreesHash in drupalSettings to determine when the
       * admin menu subtrees cache has been invalidated.
      loadSubtrees() {
        const $activeTab = $(this.model.get('activeTab'));
        const orientation = this.model.get('orientation');
        // Only load and render the admin menu subtrees if:
        //   (1) They have not been loaded yet.
        //   (2) The active tab is the administration menu tab, indicated by the
        //       presence of the data-drupal-subtrees attribute.
        //   (3) The orientation of the tray is vertical.
        if (
          !this.model.get('areSubtreesLoaded') &&
          typeof $'drupal-subtrees') !== 'undefined' &&
          orientation === 'vertical'
        ) {
          const subtreesHash = drupalSettings.toolbar.subtreesHash;
          const theme = drupalSettings.ajaxPageState.theme;
          const endpoint = Drupal.url(`toolbar/subtrees/${subtreesHash}`);
          const cachedSubtreesHash = localStorage.getItem(
          const cachedSubtrees = JSON.parse(
          const isVertical = this.model.get('orientation') === 'vertical';
          // If we have the subtrees in localStorage and the subtree hash has not
          // changed, then use the cached data.
          if (
            isVertical &&
            subtreesHash === cachedSubtreesHash &&
          ) {
          // Only make the call to get the subtrees if the orientation of the
          // toolbar is vertical.
          else if (isVertical) {
            // Remove the cached menu information.
            // The AJAX response's command will trigger the resolve method of the
            // Drupal.toolbar.setSubtrees Promise.
            Drupal.ajax({ url: endpoint }).execute();
            // Cache the hash for the subtrees locally.
})(jQuery, Drupal, drupalSettings, Backbone);